Redefining Perfectionism and Failure

Hey There,

Can I let you in on my first secret ….I keep moving the goal posts in my life. And it’s making me unhappy.

And what do I mean by that? ( Well you all know I am an over-achiever, right?)

Well, in my on-going quest to be the ‘best’ version of myself.  And comparing myself to yesterday’s version of myself …I keep changing my business milestones.  

You see, I have high expectations. And I keep re-setting those too.


The reason why I’m telling you this today is - because you might be doing this. and setting yourself up for a tsunami of ugly emotions.

So let me share secret number two. The way I know I am heading down Perfectionism Alley?

It’s because my inner self-talk always begins with these 3 words:

Joy you ought to (be /do)….

Joy you should (be / do) ….  AND

Joy you must (be /do)….

It made me realise that last week when I mentioned the list of “Thought Traps” I made a glaring error. Because somehow, accidentally (or deliberately??) I left out the curse of perfectionism.


And I am falling about laughing as I write this. Because it’s a clear reminder of how the mind can deceive us. Just another misguided attempt to protect us from hearing the  things that deeply ‘hurt’ our feelings. Hidden wounds.

The curse of PERFECTIONISTIC thinking?? Urrrrgh! Who’d want it!



Because Perfectionism is so dangerous and so sneaky.  I want to carve out 4 weekends (via an online group) with you.  A place to get away from the demands during the week. And find a quiet space to talk about you and all of this stuff.

I am thinking of creating 10 spaces for people who believe improving their emotional intelligence is critical for the next level of success.

Because you WILL truly  benefit from a more intimate setting,  where we can deepen self awareness and increase the Emotional Intelligence Rating.

Would you like to hear more? reply “YES” in your return email.

Speak soon

Joy :)



1. Stalled Progress: Business owners and entrepreneurs who are perfectionists can often procrastinate, delaying decisions or actions for fear of not achieving perfect results. This can significantly slow down business growth and progress.

2. Limited Innovation: In a quest for perfection, entrepreneurs may limit their risk-taking, which can stifle creativity and innovation – key aspects of successful business strategies.

3. Elevated Stress Levels: Constant striving for perfection can cause chronic stress for business owners, impacting their health and reducing their ability to effectively lead their business.

4. Strained Business Relationships: Expecting staff, partners, or suppliers to live up to the same high standards of perfection can create tension and conflict, damaging important business relationships.

5. Fear of Taking Risks: A strong fear of failure often accompanies perfectionism, making business owners and entrepreneurs reluctant to seize new opportunities or venture into unfamiliar markets.

6. Low Confidence: Entrepreneurs who are perfectionists often experience low self-esteem because they feel they're not living up to their own unrealistically high standards, which can dampen their leadership effectiveness.

7. Suboptimal Business Performance: The stress and anxiety associated with perfectionism can distract business owners, leading to poorer overall business performance and potentially affecting their bottom line.

8. Risk of Burnout: The pressure to maintain perfection in every aspect of business operations can lead to physical and emotional burnout, reducing productivity and potentially leading to serious health issues.

9. Resistance to Constructive Criticism: Business owners and entrepreneurs who are perfectionists may avoid seeking or accepting valuable feedback, a key aspect of business growth and strategy refinement.

10. Development of Obsessive Behaviors: Entrepreneurs and business owners striving for perfection may develop obsessive rituals related to their business practices. In extreme cases, this can lead to mental health disorders that further impact their ability to run their business effectively.

Wednesday 21st June - 1pm BST (8am EST) 


Kelley Gilberry - Nutritionist & Mindset Coach (how he beat diabetes, heart disease, obesity, framework for success ..think like an ANT)

Niti Nadarajah - Lawyer & Coach (toxic lifestyle of lawyers, miscarriage, moving from school to school during childhood, about freeing yourself from the “1” thing, getting unstuck)AUDIO ROOM REPLAY OUT NOW!



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