Great Question From A Community Member

Hey There!

A community member asked me a great question this week:

“…Joy, Is the Emotional Intelligence Audit, for those just starting their EI journey OR is it for those wanting to get better?”

E.I. Community Member

Well, it’s a bit of both… but I secretly know it’s for those who want to continuously get ‘better.’

and also because I know …nobody knows what they don’t know… until someone shows them an alternative. (confusing hey!)

Yes I know… you’ve studied Emotional Intelligence. But…

  • You want daily reminders & accountability to become a 'Better You.'

  • You are part of leadership teams that want elite managers, leaders and advocates.

  • You’ve been working on E.I. and you know there are still challenges with mastering thoughts and negative feelings.

If this resonates…

Speak soon!


(let me know if the newsletter is delivering what you want)

EVENT TODAY: Thurs 1st June

EVENT TOMORROW: Friday 2nd June


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY : The Domino Effect of Negative Thoughts

Imagine your life as: A row of 100 dominoes standing proud & aligned. With just one careless push, a domino topples onto the second, etc, etc. Initiating a Thought – Emotion – Action (T.E.A.) chain reaction
…that continues …until the last domino falls.