Emotional Blind Spots : Emotional Intelligence In Business


Hey There,

Let's get straight to it. You're a business owner, right? so I know you're smart.

You've got dreams and a big vision, right? But …

I’m going to be brutally honest with you. These 2 things are not strategies - they're distractions. And they might be breaking your productivity cycle. Making you flit from one task to another. Without clear focussed intentional action.

So what 4 practical steps can you take right now, that will improve your business performance?

Tip #1: Stop Dreaming, Start Planning On Paper:

Do you wake up at 3.30am buzzing with the greatest ideas? Me too! Dreams are great, but they're just the starting point. You still need a concrete plan. It’s OK to keep the blueprint tucked away inside you head. But just like the sock that gets lost in the wash (that happens to you too?), it might never be found.

So be disciplined …write your goals down. Break them into actionable steps, and start ticking them off your Top Priority ‘to do’ list. (Experiment with sprints of 30-45 minutes, take a 5-10 minutes break to detach. Then repeat) 

Tip #2: Identify Emotional Triggers:

Yes, we all have them. It’s that flash of thunder screaming - you’ve been emotionally hi-jacked. People, situations or comments get under our skin. It’s fast and there seems to be a pattern? So lets recognize them. And Log them.

Because once you know your triggers, you’ll be able to figure out how to come up with better & better responses. (Consider different responses, or think about old family history that might be woven into the interactions)

Tip #3: Use The Emotions as Data:

What if you took a neutral point of view. And saw emotions and feelings as data? If something consistently makes you anxious or frustrated, that's a good (bad) sign, if you know what I mean. Make a note of it. Maybe it’s just the alarm bell you need. A warning that you OR part of your business activity needs re-evaluation.

Tip #4: …Here's The Kicker

You can't see your own emotional blind spots. (Psst! that's why they're called blind spots!) There’s a great bit of theory called the Johari Window that fully explains this.

The Solution:

You believe you're doing everything right. Exactly the WAY you’ve always done, hey? But there’s still an invisible force field that knocks you back, shuts you off and holds you down.

Carry out an emotional intelligence self-review. You can do this all on your lonesome ownsome. OR you can talk to me. (my door is always open).

Spend 30-Minute with me on a zoom call, and have a great fact-finding chat. Get an Emotional Intelligence Audit find out your emotional blind spots and what’s going wrong.

Pour some love into your own cup for a change. In just 30 minutes, we'll identify the emotional and psychological roadblocks affecting your business. Plus discuss a plan of action.

Why Should You Care?

Because this isn't just about you feeling better …it's about PERFORMING Better. And maintaining your competitive edge.

No More Excuses because the clock's ticking. Christmas is just around the corner (sorry to remind you). But… every moment spent wisely between now and 25th December will set you up nicely for 2024.

So if you want to be in a financially stronger place this time next year - contact me. Schedule your free Emotional Intelligence Audit.

Make it happen.

speak soon



NEXT Q&A AUDIO ROOM: Wednesday 13th Sept. 1pm UK, 8am EST