Collect Emotion, Thought, Action Data

Hey there…

Have you been paying attention to your moods? Have you noticed the way they play with your thoughts and behaviours? Well, I have been working flat out on audio rooms, videos, interviews and posts on linkedin. And although I enjoy it, the downside is my battery is running dangerously low.

NOTE TO SELF: this is the slippery-slippery slope towards burnout (use the E.I. Data Journal)

So I am putting my feet up for 2 weeks …not my typing digits of course.  And the upside to this? Well I can spend more quality time getting to know you. You can spend more quality time getting to know me ..and asking me any questions you like. PLUS I can work on the special 3-hour online mastermind workshop for July

(to which of course, you are invited).

Less rushing around. Less freaking out. More intentional focused work  …purrrrfect.

I’d like to call this my E.I. period of self assessment. Because deepening my mental, emotional and spiritual knowledge is  an essential part of emotional intelligence mastery.

Now here’s a random question.

Did any of you have a diary when you were little? It was all the rage during my childhood. I had a small fabric covered diary brimming with blank pages. And a teeny gold lock & key  (that was so easy to pick!). I poured my little 9 year old self into that diary.

…What I’d thought that day …Who I’d spoken to. …Which person had annoyed me. Not to mention the amazing adventures I had in the library. Yes, I was a bookworm (Don’t judge me).

I had a rather ‘un-eventful’ childhood.

But the reason I am bringing up the diary is because…

Looking back and reminiscing. This was my 1st attempt at  ‘journaling.’ Collecting data points in a journal. But it wasn’t called this back then.

Every now and then I would re-read my words of wisdom. And guess what?  I wasn’t impressed.

Did I really get jealous and think my best friend was about to dump me, because she’d spoken to someone else?

Did I really believe that I was stupid, because I got a lower grade than my clever clogs classmate?

Somehow, I’d stumbled upon the ancient art of self-introspection …at the age of 9. Because the gateway to self awareness and emotional intelligence is to  consistently and ruthlessly gather data.

  • Thought data.

  • Emotional data.

  • Behavioural data.

Once you have this data. Like any good scientist you can analyse the problem …and come up with better solutions.

Use this Emotional Intelligence data journal. Log your eventful life for the next 7 days (your thoughts, emotions & feelings, behaviours & actions)

We will look back at it with a critical eye next week.

I’d be interested to know if things “look and feel” DIFFERENT …. just like they did for the little 9year old Joy.

If any of this resonated with you… send me a quick reply “yes”


PS: 3-hour E.I Mastery workshop coming up 22nd July - join the waitlist

(reply “waitlist”)