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- 10 Self Sabotaging Thought Gremlins
10 Self Sabotaging Thought Gremlins
Hey There!
It’s a new week, but guess what? Some Mondays I don’t leap out of bed with a smile on my face. Even though I classify myself as a Pollyanna type optimist…
The problem? I am a recovering perfectionist. An over-achieving over-achiever. Basically that means I beat myself up for - not being good enough - for not being far enough down the entrepreneurial road. It’s a vicious cycle. And it’s painful.
But there is a solution…
With a little bit of Self-Coaching and using my Thought Flipping technique, I can turn things around.
…they sound something like this:
Catastrophizing: "If I don't respond to this email immediately, I'll lose the client and my business will fail."
Black and white thinking: "I can either interrupt what I’m doing right now, and take this call ..or the person at the other end will never call me again."
Personalization: "My V.A keeps making mistakes, but it’s my fault because I'm a terrible leader & delegator.”
Control fallacy: "If I don't manage every aspect of this particular task, it won't be successful."
Fortune-telling: "I predict the networking meeting tomorrow will go badly, and I'll lose the opportunity work with some really important people.”
Emotional reasoning: "I’ve got a strange feeling in my stomach about this afternoon, I think something bad is going to happen."
Mind reading: "My friend probably thinks I'm being childish, because I got annoyed last night ."
All or nothing thinking: "I either work 24/7 to make my millions or I take some time off and things go downhill fast."
Overgeneralization: "I made 3 mistakes in my Wednesday linkedin audio room this week, that means I’ll make 3 mistakes every Wednesday.”
Self - Labeling: "I'm so stupid! I’m rubbish at using canva it’s so fiddly and frustrating."
(if you want a pdf version of this …. send me a message)
Do any of these beat-myself-up down a dark alley statements sound familiar? Yes? Then grab the gremlin weedkiller and do some thought flipping.
Grab a coin, and notice there are 2-sides to it (..yes its obvious but stick with me).
Now for every negative thought you have - I want you to think of one that’s the complete opposite. YES find a positive thought.
And if the 1st thought is tooooo big a leap in the positive direction, then tone it down by 50%.
You now have 3 thoughts. The best (most positive), the worst (most negative) and one in the middle (the most likely…)
Try the Gremlin weedkiller. Let me know the “gremlin thought” and the positive flipside of the coin thought. …I’d love to know.
Happy Thought Flipping!
“…On this episode, we're talking with Joy Langley, who's not only an author of the book, Navigating Stress, but she's also an emotional intelligence expert. I had so much fun with this conversation. Joy is a joy.
What else can I say? She also talked about turning stress into your strength. That's so valuable.
This conversation has so many pearls. Maybe you are not dealing with stress right now, but you know somebody that is. This is a great episode for you to tune in to
Wednesday 14th June 1pm BST (8am EST)
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